
How To Install Venom Kodi Addon

How To Install Venom Kodi Addon

How To Install Venom Kodi Addon

  1. At the top left click the System Settings Icon
  2. Click File Manager
  3. On the left click Add Source
  4. Click where it says NONE
  5. Type in the URL: https://123venom.github.io/
  6. In the next box down name it Venom and click OK
  7. Double-check everything is correct and click OK
  8. Go back to the main menu and click Add-ons
  9. Click the Add-on Package Installer Icon at the top left
  10. Click Install from zip file
  11. A box will pop open select Venom
  12. Click repository.venom-1.6.zip
  13. Wait for the Repository to download and popup at the top right and say Repo Installed
  14. Click Install from the repository
  15. Click Venom Repo
  16. Video Add-ons
  17. Click Venom
  18. Click Install
  19. For Kodi 18 Leia users a box will pop up showing all the dependencies and add-on that will be install Click OK
  20. Kodi Media Center

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